LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Error during "Estimate model parameters (Channels)" #54

Closed AmZNeu closed 3 years ago

AmZNeu commented 3 years ago


I'm performing the first-level analysis of repeated measures. During the "Estimate model parameters (Channels)", this error appears:

*Unable to read file "xxxx/xxxx/xxxxx/NM001.dataerp". No such file or directory. Error occurred in function std_limo() at line 254"

The directory exists but the file created during the STUDY design, instead of being named "NM001.dataerp" is named "NM001_ses-01.dataerp"

Is there a solution to fix the issue?

Thanks in advance, A

CPernet commented 3 years ago

ok it's unusual - did you fill the session ID in this case? removing it should work - can you let me know here, thx note session is not compatible with LIMO right now, but we are working on it

AmZNeu commented 3 years ago


thanks for your response. My design is a repeated measures ANOVA with 2 groups x 3 sessions and I had filled the session ID and group ID. Now, I changed "session" by "condition" and worked (i.e., it created the file named "NM001.dataerp", instead of "NM001_ses-01.dataerp"). However, a new error appears although the measures were computed using the STUDY functions of EEGLAB.

"Error using std_limo (line 286) std_limo subject NM001: Measures must be computed first"

CPernet commented 3 years ago

yes you need to compute single trials 1st (erp or spectrum or ersp) see e.g. tutorial here