LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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limo_random_select: Matrix dimensions must agree error in single-channel second level analysis. #55

Closed Elisabeth-Pares closed 3 years ago

Elisabeth-Pares commented 3 years ago


I think I found a small bug in the implementation of single-channel second level analysis. The code initially crashed with the following error message:

Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in limo_random_select (line 1211) all(size(squeeze(matched_data)) == size(squeeze(data(:,:,:,:,1))))

I think this is because the indexing in data has one too many dimensions - it should be 4 instead of 5 in simple ERP analysis. Removing one of the ':' dimensions fixed the issue and produced the expected results for me.

I hope this helps!


CPernet commented 3 years ago

yep that is it - thank you very much for reporting that bug ! not many people use the optimized single channel approach, do let me know how it goes for you - happy to debug if needed (likely same dimension issues) fix in the next release