LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Factors interactions with group in Repeated Measures Anova BUG #9

Closed disbeat closed 6 years ago

disbeat commented 6 years ago

File: limo_random_roboust.m Line: 1363

H0_Rep_ANOVA_Interaction_with_gp = squeeze(tmp_boot_H0_Rep_ANOVA_Interaction_with_gp(:,:,i,:)); % save each interaction effect as F/p values

tmp_boot_H0_Rep_ANOVA_Interaction_with_group is of dimension [electrodes, timesamples, factor, 2(F/p), NBOOT] so it is missing a dimension in the squeeze. Should be:

H0_Rep_ANOVA_Interaction_with_gp = squeeze(tmp_boot_H0_Rep_ANOVA_Interaction_with_gp(:,:,i,:,:));

Best regards, -- Marco Simões IBILI, University of Coimbra, Portugal

CPernet commented 6 years ago

fixed thx