LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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cfg channel structure and std_gettrialsind #92

Closed amisepa closed 2 years ago

amisepa commented 2 years ago


I get 2 errors during 1st level LIMO (HotFixes branch with the latest pull). The first one doesn't interrupt the process, the second one does. This is on ERP data with 3 conditions. Data are imported with pop_importbids.

1. First one: error_limo_1st-lvl I used the 10-20 BEM chanlocs during preprocessing, and saved the file a .ced for BIDS import.

2. Second one:

Error using std_gettrialsind (line 136)
Type error - excepting numerical values for field type
Error in std_limodesign (line 125)
                trialindsx = std_gettrialsind(trialinfo, limodesign.categorical{iVar}{iVal}{:});
Error in std_limo (line 418)
            [catMat,contMat,limodesign] = std_limodesign(factors, trialinfo, 'splitreg', 'off', 'interaction', opt.interaction);
Error in pop_limo (line 168)
[STUDY,limofiles] = std_limo(STUDY, ALLEEG, options{:});
Error in eeg_processings (line 310)
pop_limo(STUDY, ALLEEG, 'method','OLS','measure','daterp','timelim',[-100

Thanks in advance

CPernet commented 2 years ago

issue from EEGLAB new structure, @Arno fixed it