LINBIT / linstor-gateway

Manages Highly-Available iSCSI targets, NVMe-oF targets, and NFS exports via LINSTOR
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Using linstor-gateway with an SSL key-secured controller #21

Open cduchenoy opened 1 year ago

cduchenoy commented 1 year ago
$ linstor n l -p
| Node      | NodeType | Addresses                | State  |
| vc-swarm1 | COMBINED | (SSL) | Online |
| vc-swarm2 | COMBINED | (SSL) | Online |
| vc-swarm3 | COMBINED | (SSL) | Online |
$ curl -s --cert /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem \
              --key /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem \
              --cacert /etc/linstor/ssl/ca.crt --http1.1 \
              --insecure | jq
  "version": "0.1",
  "git_hash": "07890a5c51382267c7015a07a9c5b4a9ee9a0ae8",
  "build_time": "2023-03-17T23:16:03+00:00",
  "rest_api_version": "1.17.0"
$ cat /etc/linstor-gateway/linstor-gateway.toml
linstor.controllers = ["","",""]
$ linstor-gateway check-health
    ✗ No connection to a LINSTOR controller
      Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs
      Make sure that either
      • the --controllers command line option, or
      • the LS_CONTROLLERS environment variable, or
      • the linstor.controllers key in your configuration file (/etc/linstor-gateway/linstor-gateway.toml)
      contain an URL to a LINSTOR controller, or that the LINSTOR controller is running on this machine.
[✓] drbd-reactor
[✓] Resource Agents
[✓] iSCSI
[✓] NVMe-oF
[✓] NFS

FATA[0000] Health check failed: found 1 issues 

HACK Solution (use an revserse proxy)

$ cat /etc/linstor-gateway/linstor-gateway.toml
linstor.controllers = [""]

$ cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
frontend LINSTOR-IN
    mode            http
    log             global
    option          http-keep-alive
    default_backend LINSTOR-CONTROLLERS

    mode                http
    timeout connect     30s
    timeout server      30s
    retries             3
    option              httpchk OPTIONS /health
    server       vc-swarm1 ssl check inter 5s verify none crt /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem ca-file /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem
    server       vc-swarm2 ssl check inter 5s verify none crt /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem ca-file /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem
    server       vc-swarm3 ssl check inter 5s verify none crt /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem ca-file /etc/linstor/ssl/clients.uncrypted.pem
$ linstor-gateway check-health
[✓] drbd-reactor
[✓] Resource Agents
[✓] iSCSI
[✓] NVMe-oF
[✓] NFS
chrboe commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the report. This is indeed a missing feature.

We are working on a feature where LINSTOR Gateway honors an existing linstor-client.conf, which should fix this.

In the meantime, there is a workaround you can use. golinstor, which LINSTOR Gateway uses under the hood, respects some environment variables. I have not tested this, but setting LS_USER_CERTIFICATE et al should work as expected.