Open jcubic opened 2 days ago
Investigate this problem:
(define Person (class Object (constructor (lambda (self name age) (set! name) (set! self.age age))))) (define jack (new Person 'Jack 27)) ;; ==> "Jack" (define jack (new Person 'Jack 27+i)) jack.age ;; ==> #(27 1)
The same problems is with records
(define-record-type <point> (make-point x y) point? (x get-x set-x!) (y get-y set-y!)) (define p (make-point +10i +20i)) (get-x p) ;; ==> #(0 10)
LIPS types are unboxed, but the should not. If the user wants to share a class with JavaScript it's his responsibility to not use native types.
The problem is with new operator that unbox the arguments:
lips> (new (lambda (x) (print x)) 10+10i) #(10 10)
I think that it's ok for the class to do this, but it should not happen with records.
Investigate this problem:
The same problems is with records
LIPS types are unboxed, but the should not. If the user wants to share a class with JavaScript it's his responsibility to not use native types.