Added resolutions for ledger to fix Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing' error
Resolves - Compile error: Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing'
Deploying a candy-shop-storefront results in an error stating 'Compile error: Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing''
This is mentioned in a solana-labs issue here ->
Updates have been made to the solana-labs wallet-adapter package.json file; however, that dependency does not exist in the candy-shop-storefront which means that update doesn't solve the issue here.
Type of change
Please delete options that are not relevant.
[x] Bug fix
How Has This Been Tested?
Deploying a candy-shop-storefront results in an error stating 'Compile error: Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing''
Resolutions were added to the package.json and then yarn build and yarn run start were run. The error has been resolved.
Added resolutions for ledger to fix Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing' error
Resolves - Compile error: Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing'
Deploying a candy-shop-storefront results in an error stating 'Compile error: Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing'' This is mentioned in a solana-labs issue here ->
Updates have been made to the solana-labs wallet-adapter package.json file; however, that dependency does not exist in the candy-shop-storefront which means that update doesn't solve the issue here.
Type of change
Please delete options that are not relevant.
How Has This Been Tested?
Deploying a candy-shop-storefront results in an error stating 'Compile error: Module not found '@ledgerhq/devices/hid-framing''
Resolutions were added to the package.json and then yarn build and yarn run start were run. The error has been resolved.