iGuess 1.0 - The iGuess implementation in Rails
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Data registration: formatting of server URL and related issues in registration of layers #227

Open christianbraun opened 9 years ago

christianbraun commented 9 years ago

mass import, URL formatting: several related issues here...

same URL with trailing "&", or "?" is treated by iGUESS as different instances and lets you register layers differently. This should be catched to avoid conflicts in layer management.

URL from MapServer with URL shortening/redirect in place: if no trailing "?" is given then the automatically produced URL during a WPS request will not work, hence WPS is falling because it is not able to fetch data. Based on the fact that the URL production was based on the standard style of MapServer URLs with a complete server path given in the "map" KVP.

uleopold commented 9 years ago

Christian, can you provide an example URL so that Luís can solve it. Maybe also explain to Luís in a short meeting.