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Issues with WCS from Rotterdam #64

Closed christianbraun closed 10 years ago

christianbraun commented 10 years ago

As discussed with Chris. WCS Capabilities isnt working, where to take information from to build a proper request....

uleopold commented 10 years ago

Is this a question to everyone or do you know where to find this information or know the solution already?

eykamp commented 10 years ago

Is this only about viewing the GetCaps request on the "gear" page? If so, this is not critical.

christianbraun commented 10 years ago

It is rather about how is your request build if this info isnt available officially from the foreign WCS server....

eykamp commented 10 years ago

I think I need to see what the GetCapabilities request should like like before I can make any further progress on this. I've tried several different quoting strategies, and I am not even positive the server is working.

Can you show me a functioning GetCaps request for this server?

christianbraun commented 10 years ago

Take the one right next to it labeled WMS ;-) Like we agreed before lunchtime, the linked WCS request was looking fine. Also, the WMS for the same data sets is producing nice images.

eykamp commented 10 years ago

Ok, this is the URL that does not work:\gwr\webdata\mapserver\map\

If that URL is correct, then the problem is on Rotterdam's server. If that URL is incorrect, then I need to know what the correct URL is to make this work. I have tried several variants, and I cannot get a response from the server by entering this or any similar URL into my browser.

uleopold commented 10 years ago

Strange as I can get a WCS data set with the ShowData request next to the WCS capabilities:\gwr\webdata\mapserver\map\,428647.0,101033.0,447000.0&RESPONSE_CRS=EPSG:28992&CRS=EPSG:27700&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&COVERAGE=gwr_basis_hbes_2012MV_Waalhaven

What is strange though is that the CRS is the British EPSG code in this request for Rotterdam whereas the RESPONSE_CRS is the correct Dutch EPSG:28992.

Christian can you check all these links and requests with Chris to see what goes wrong when they are composed for each city.

christianbraun commented 10 years ago

WCS seems to be screwed up completly. Similar behaviour for the EPSG codes for the landsat scenes in other cities...

eykamp commented 10 years ago

This is now fixed. If the server doesn't respond to GetCaps, it cannot be considered a WCS server. I've updated the harvester accordingly.