Closed LIT-EIA-OWNER closed 3 years ago
Added Aria-live = "assertive" and role="alert" to the instructions but no way to know if a screen reader will be able to detect class changed
(When being highlighted, the instructions gain the "validation-error" class.
Note that another tag changes when the error is triggered - the aria-label a few tags above the component-instructions tag gains the attribute "data-a11y-force-focus = 'true'" - however based on the accessibility report this change doesn't work or does nothing?
All questions have an issue with error messages when they select submit but haven't selected an answer.
It also needs visual focus Need to highlight with a box or something more visual than colour alone.
In grey scale the text would go from black to grey.
Note that this was also an issue for my iPhone that the only change was the colour of the “instructions”. Another issue was at 400%. When I select Submit without selecting an answer the focus/screen stays where I am and I do not know that the text changed colour or that there was an error.
Note that this is not an issue for a screen reader since everything is announced by JAWS to the user and the focus went back to the “warning/instructions”.
New bug was duplicate of #76
If Submit no answer, no focus to the error message. Only identified with a color