LIT-EIA / adapt-esdc-accessibilityfixes

Extension to load and run a .js file when a course loads
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Component - All - Feedback modal [OHS 2.6] #141

Closed TimbroVince closed 2 years ago

TimbroVince commented 2 years ago

Questions modal heading repeated multiple times by screen reader.

Screen reader users will experience Headings announce more times than necessary upon opening a modal dialogue to obtain more information.

2021/08/19 A11y team (Mel) comment: MeD to look into this.

Yes the text is announced multiple times, but it seems to be for different reasons. I'm not sure why this is being read out multiple times.

JAWS announces it two times:

First time: "Scenario 1 - Identify the health and safety issues presented in this photograph. modal dialogue"

Second time: "Scenario 1 - Identify the health and safety issues presented in this photograph. heading level three."

NVDA announces it four times (and sometimes more):

First time: "Scenario 1 - Identify the health and safety issues presented in this photograph."


Second time: "clickable Scenario 1 - Identify the health and safety issues presented in this photograph."

Third time: "heading unavailable level 3; Scenario 1 - Identify the health and safety issues presented in this photograph."

Fourth time: "Scenario 1 - Identify the health and safety issues presented in this photograph."