LIT-Protocol / Ecosystem-Ideas

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Credentialing SDK #4

Open a1ttech opened 11 months ago

a1ttech commented 11 months ago


Create an SDK that enables the automated issuance of VCreds or NFTs using off-chain data as inputs. This SDK should utilize Programmable Key Pairs (PKPs) and Lit Actions for condition-based signing.

Why? (problem statement)

Verifiable credentials (VCs) are a way to express qualifications or achievements in a tamper-proof and privacy-respecting way, using cryptographic signatures to ensure the authenticity of data inputs. In the context of Web3 identity solutions, verifiable credentials are often used alongside decentralized identifiers to enable secure and trustworthy digital identities.

However, the core problem of VC systems as they exist today is the issue of trust when it comes down to the signature on the VC itself: how can you verify that a particular issuer is valid and legitimate?

What will this tool enable?

By distributing ownership of the issuer key across a decentralized network, we can have greater confidence in the validity of a signed input, trusting the consensus that was reached across the nodes participating in the network.
