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Open Grant: Medical Records On Chain #39

Open ParallaxNetwork opened 1 year ago

ParallaxNetwork commented 1 year ago

Open Grant Proposal: Medical Records On Chain

Name of Project:

Proposal Category: integration-adoption , research Proposer: ParallaxNetwork

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this grant and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: "Yes"

Project Description

The current medical record system in Indonesia faces several challenges, including interoperability issues, fragmented patient records, potential errors in diagnosis and treatment, and security vulnerabilities. To address these issues, we propose the implementation of the Medical Records on Chain (MROC) system, which utilizes blockchain technology and Lit Protocol to offer a secure and interoperable platform for storing and accessing tamper-proof medical records.

One example of the medical records that we plan to implement through MROC is USG file records, which are commonly used in obstetrics and gynecology. By utilizing MROC, healthcare providers can access complete and accurate patient records, leading to better healthcare outcomes while also ensuring patient data privacy and security. The use of Lit Protocol ensures that all medical records are fully encrypted, providing an added layer of security and peace of mind to patients and healthcare providers alike. Overall, MROC offers a more efficient and secure way of managing patient data, while also reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

In addition to its state-of-the-art security features, MROC will prioritize user data sovereignty, ensuring that patients have full control over their personal health information. MROC's blockchain-based storage system and Lit Protocol encryption will provide a secure and decentralized way to store medical records, giving patients the assurance that their data is protected from unauthorized access. Patients can manage their own medical data and decide who has access to it, contributing to a more transparent and patient-centered healthcare system. MROC will also be seamlessly integrated with the existing medical record system of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, allowing for a more streamlined and efficient management of medical records, reducing the risk of errors and improving patient outcomes, while also prioritizing user data sovereignty.


Due to Indonesia's ranking as the fourth-largest country in the world by population, the potential impact of solving the medical record problem through MROC is significant. The partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Health also increases the likelihood of widespread adoption of the technology. This presents a unique opportunity for Lit Protocol to be involved in a project with a high chance of being widely adopted and having a deep impact on users.

The other benefits of this proposal are numerous. It can lead to a more efficient and accurate healthcare system, enabling healthcare providers to make better-informed decisions and ultimately improve patient outcomes. In addition, it can pave the way for more widespread adoption of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry, opening up new opportunities for innovation and collaboration. By leveraging Lit Protocol's encryption capabilities, we can ensure that the sensitive medical data of over 200 million Indonesian citizens is secure and easily accessible by authorized parties, further enhancing the value of this proposal.

Creating medical records for Indonesian citizens is a significant undertaking, and we acknowledge the risk of being responsible for the sensitive medical data of such a vast population. Nevertheless, we are confident that we can minimize this risk by utilizing Lit Protocol encryption. Executing this project may be challenging due to the scattered nature of the current medical database of Indonesian citizens, with some still relying on outdated systems. Moreover, there may be regulatory and legal hurdles to overcome. However, we plan to conduct a pilot project in hospitals with modern systems to overcome these obstacles and ensure the success of this proposal.


This project offers a user-friendly mobile app built with Flutter, providing patients with easy access to their complete medical record history. Patients can create an account using an account abstraction contract, specifically ERC-4337, allowing them to register using their social account. This account type, based on a wallet system, gives users control and sovereignty over their data. Patients can choose which data to share and with whom, ensuring the security and privacy of their personal medical record data.

The web app will be used by administrators and hospital staff to manage patient records, making it easy to access and manage patient data in a more effective manner. Hospital staff can quickly access patient medical records to provide more effective care, based on the patient's complete medical history. Overall, this project aims to provide a more streamlined, efficient, and patient-centered healthcare system, offering patients greater control over their medical records while providing healthcare providers with easy access to complete and accurate patient information.

Development Roadmap

  1. User can create wallet based account using email In this milestone, we expect that user can create an account abstraction wallet of ERC-4337 with ease. Simply by using their email or OTP. With this function we hope that we can leverage user onboarding to use blockchain with ease Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 5850 USD 3 Week Development

  2. User can choose what data they want to share and to whom Users have the ability to take charge of their data by choosing which information they wish to share and with whom. They possess complete control over their data, giving them the freedom to decide what data to reveal and to whom. Moreover, users are capable of limiting access to their data and monitoring who is authorized to view it. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 5850 USD 3 Week Development

  3. User can set their guardian for social recovery The social recovery system feature allows users to recover their lost accounts with the assistance of their linked guardians or family members. To do so, users must complete the required validation processes, such as providing their linked identity number, and obtain approval from their guardians or family members. This system also ensures that users can access their data even in situations where they forget their password or lose access to their account. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Dito as Solidity Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 7800 USD 4 Week Development

  4. User can Interact with decentralized application (dapps) on the Ethereum blockchain This feature allows users to engage with decentralized applications (dapps) on the Ethereum blockchain. The wallet functionality of MROC enables users to use it as a conventional wallet, thereby facilitating interaction with any dapps on the Ethereum network. By utilizing MROC, users can securely manage and transfer their digital assets, interact with various dapps. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Dito as Solidity Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 5850 USD 3 Week Development

  5. User can see their medical record history Users have access to their complete medical record history, which allows them to keep track of the doctors they have visited, hospitals they have been treated at, and medications they have taken in the past. This feature empowers users to utilize this information to receive more personalized and effective care. By having a comprehensive understanding of their medical history, users can better communicate with their healthcare providers, make informed decisions regarding their treatment plans, and ensure that they receive the most appropriate care for their individual needs. This functionality provides users with a greater sense of ownership and control over their healthcare data, enabling them to play a more active role in managing their health and well-being. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Dito as Solidity Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 3900 USD 2 week Development

  6. User can see whom have accessed to their medical data Users are able to view a list of individuals who have accessed their medical data, providing them with enhanced information and authority over their personal medical records. By having visibility into who has accessed their medical data, users can exercise greater control over their privacy and make more informed decisions regarding their health information. This feature can also help to prevent unauthorized access to medical records, ensuring that sensitive data remains secure and protected. With the ability to track access to their medical data, users can enjoy greater peace of mind knowing that their health information is being managed responsibly and with their best interests in mind. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 5850 USD 3 Week Development

  7. Hospital can request access to patient medical records Hospitals have the capability to request access to patients' medical records, which can be utilized to deliver more effective treatment resulting in improved patient outcomes. By gaining access to a patient's complete medical history, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions about their treatment plan, leading to better results. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 3900 USD 2 Week Development

  8. Hospital can update patient medical record Hospitals can maintain secure and tamper-proof patient medical records by updating them on the blockchain. By leveraging the inherent security and immutability of blockchain technology, hospitals can ensure that patient medical records remain accurate, secure, and accessible only to authorized individuals. This approach also ensures that the data is tamper-proof and cannot be altered without proper authorization, adding an extra layer of security to sensitive patient information. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 3900 USD 2 Week Development

  9. Hospital can add patient medical record By adding patient medical records to the blockchain will benefit the hospitals, as this will enable them to maintain secure and tamper-proof records that are accurate, accessible only to authorized individuals, and cannot be altered without proper authorization. The text highlights the inherent security and immutability of blockchain technology as key factors that make it an ideal solution for maintaining patient medical records. Overall, the main message is that by leveraging blockchain technology, hospitals can ensure that patient data is kept safe, secure, and accessible, while also adding an extra layer of security to sensitive information. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 3900 USD 2 Week Development

  10. Hospital can see patient medical record This access to patient data can also help to reduce medical errors and improve the overall quality of care. By leveraging technology to access medical records, healthcare providers can streamline the treatment process, reducing wait times and increasing efficiency. Ultimately, this can lead to better health outcomes for patients and a higher level of satisfaction with the care they receive. Dicky as Mobile Developer Heryanto as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 3900 USD 2 Week Development

  11. Encryption System Every medical records stored on ceramic are encrypted using Lit protocol and can be decrypted by user consent to be able to read and update the data. Dito as Blockchain Developer Marco as Fullstack Developer Hery as Backend & Solidity Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 1950 USD 1 Week Development

  12. Ceramic DB This dApps using Ceramic Compose DB as database system that makes it decentralize and encrypted using Lit protocol. Avoiding using centralized database to make interoperable system. By using this system, all the data is now controlled, managed and owned by its user Hery as Backend Developer Marco as Fullstack Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 1950 USD 1 Week Development

  13. Social Recovery System This feature allows user to recover their lost account by simply completing all validation process (Identity Number linked on the account) and the request should be approved by guardians or family member that are linked with same contract Ditto as Solidity Developer Marco as Fullstack Developer Hery as Backend Developer Dicky as Frontend Mobile Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 1950 USD 1 Week Development

  14. Implementation & Beta test In this milestone we will implement for pilot on first 3 big government hospital in 3 different region, after we success in this stage then implementing to the rest 30 government hospital all over indonesia Ditto as Solidity Developer Marco as Fullstack Developer Hery as Backend Developer Budget for achieving this milestone : 9750 USD 5 Week Development

Total Budget Requested

We Requested $70,000.00 And it will become a fund to jumpstart our project, as we still seek another fund mechanism & grant to push this project forward.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

By delivering this software, we aim to upgrade towards an integrated payment system since the accounts use contract wallet ERC 4337 for everything but payments. This integration with insurance institutions, whether from the government or the private sector.

Once the payment system is implemented, the next thing is integrating with pharmacies to dispense medical prescriptions seamlessly using blockchain and running blockchain nodes in government-backed hospitals nationwide.


Team Members

Mario Nurcahyanto as Project Lead Ramadhan Akhri as Product Manager Marco Elissa as Fullstack Engineer Ricksen Tanata as Product Design & UI/UX Kelvin Adhitya as Frontend Engineer Heryanto Liao as Backend & Solidity Engineer Irfan Erlanda as Project Manager Dendito as Blockchain & Solidity Engineer

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Mario Nurcahyanto Akhri Ramadhan Kelvin Aditya Marco Elissa Dicky Rangga Heryanto Liao Ricksen Tanata Rinintha Pradiza

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Parallax Network is a team well-versed in web3, especially in creating exclusive content platforms using a token-gated system with Lit Protocol. Our team consists of Web3 experts, builders, creators, and professionals active in the space since 2018. Some of our notable projects are:

MxTape MxTape is a decentralized music player where popular music is determined not by marketing strategy but by community curation, which creates a diverse market for every genre.

In addition to creating another revenue stream for musicians and NFT music collectors, this project allows users to curate and manage their collections, create their own subscription models, and split income.

MxTape was built with a social layer and DID on top of Ceramic Network to ensure the users own every data. Credentials from the genre of music you listen to every day? Perhaps soon.

Winner of ETHGlobal Metabolism Hackathon Lit Protocol — Best Use Metabolism Finalist

Playground Playground is a platform for super fans with web3 benefits that allow creators to easily set up their decentralized fan club with subscription NFTs utilizing Unlock Protocol, exclusive chat, and live stream built on top of a web3 stack. We utilized Orbis, Livepeer, Unlock Protocol, and Lit Protocol to offer a practical solution to current market needs. With future implementation of Lit Actions, we aim to create a wallet-less login/register to lower the barrier of entry to web3 adoption.

Winner of The Orbis Web3 Social Hackathon Best Use of Unlock Protocol Memberships and Subscriptions with Orbis

Mindblowon Universe Mindblowon Universe is one of Indonesia’s biggest NFT projects, an extension of the super popular Indonesian comic project Tahilalats. We revamped their website to be future-proof and created an expandable worldbuilding project and a value-creation ecosystem.

We’ve equipped the website with the following: web3 music player customizable mini gallery for NFTs decentralized video call and conference function web3 native chat box verifiable & interoperable decentralized identity (DID)

We’ve also set up a DAO for the community to submit and vote on proposals and initiatives and receive incentives for community bounties. As proposals become initiatives, they can be formed into sub-DAO working groups or guilds. The contributors will then gain access to create specific guilds with different utilities.

Validate Validate is a verifiable collective knowledge platform. The project aims to create a central platform for community discussions that incorporates features such as verifiable credentials, making it a better discussion place where contributions from all participants can be tracked.

To achieve this, we integrated different protocols such as Orbis SDK, Gitcoin Passport, and Vocdoni, allowing them to turn their initial concept into a functioning product. We utilized Vocdoni SDK to generate polling capabilities within specific discussions to enable community participation. Gitcoin Passport was leveraged to let specific “verified” users create new topics, and every user profile, topic, and comment section was built using the Orbis SDK.

Winner of The Orbis Web3 Social Hackathon Best Use of Vocdoni SDK to create a decentralized voting system with social features Best Use of Verifiable Credentials from Gitcoin Passport with Orbis

Team code repositories

Additional Information

We had the opportunity to present our project to representatives of the Indonesian Health Ministry, and they showed interest in how it could benefit the country's healthcare system. They were curious to see if the project could be integrated into their existing app, Satu Sehat. With the backing of the Health Ministry, we were able to take the first steps in implementing the project in three hospitals in Indonesia. The success of these initial steps will be carefully evaluated by the Health Ministry before deciding on the next course of action. If the outcomes are positive, the ministry may consider slowly integrating the system we built into the Satu Sehat app, potentially benefiting a much larger population.

Bulltorned commented 1 year ago

Dear Lit Team,

I am scooping down to provide you with more specific information about how our proposed project aligns with Lit's mission and objectives, and how Lit will be used in the development and implementation of the project.

The proposed project involves the development of a decentralized application (dApp) that utilizes blockchain technology to securely and transparently store and manage data related to medical records. We plan to build the project as an open source SDK that can be used by others in the medical industry to create similar decentralized applications.

Specifically, we plan to use Lit in the following ways:

  1. Minting PKP and transfer to public address using Lit actions: Lit will be used to facilitate the minting of PKP tokens from a designated account (4337) and transfer them to the user's public address.
  2. Encryption system using Lit Protocol actions as an access control condition: Lit will be utilized as part of an access control system that determines who can access encrypted files stored on IPFS.
  3. Decryption of files using the same key used for encryption: Lit will also be used to facilitate the decryption of files that were previously encrypted using a specific key.
  4. Obtaining patient consent: We plan to incorporate a feature in the dApp that allows healthcare facilities to obtain patient consent for the collection and use of their medical data in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
  5. We will create an endpoint for each of those features that will allow developers to easily integrate it into their own applications.

We believe that the proposed project aligns closely with Lit's mission of supporting the development and adoption of open source technologies for the decentralized web. As such, we would like to inquire about the possibility of receiving funding and other resources from Lit to support the development and implementation of the project.

debbly commented 1 year ago

Cross posting here to make sure this conversation is transparent and folks can understand our thinking around our grants process.

We support open source tooling built with Lit and are only able to fund the Lit specific portions of the grant. We fund up to $10K for our grants at this moment!

Can you give a breakdown of what the Lit specific milestones will take in terms of cost and time?