LIT-Protocol / LitGrants

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Open Grant: Decentralised platform for authentication and authorization and cross-platform data integration solution #78

Closed daniel-ospina closed 1 month ago

daniel-ospina commented 2 months ago

Open Grant Proposal: Decentralised platform for authentication and authorization and cross-platform data integration solution

Name of Project: TogetherCrew

Proposal Category: Integration-adoption

Proposer: daniel-ospina

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this grant and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?: yes

Project Description

In communities, user data is fragmented across platforms, leading to overwhelm, confusion, and missed opportunities for community builders. Users also deal with fragmented identities, leading to poor UX having to input/authenticate multiple credentials over and over as they use different platforms and services. Finally, this same fragmentation leads to app developers having to do extra work creating multiple authentication methods.

TogetherCrew has already built a community analytics solution that gathers data from the most popular community platforms (discord, telegram, github, etc), and provides behavioural insights and automations to improve community member experience and unlock growth. And our solution is being used by 100+ communities including Optimism, Aave, Pocket Network, etc etc.

Our vision is to grow from this base and become a decentralised platform for authentication and authorization, unburdening apps from user management complexities. We want to allow users to link various identifiers to their master profiles, giving them the ability to grant and revoke identity visibility across apps and platforms. This provides smooth UX and privacy control for users, 360 insights for community builders, and also a handy solution for other app developers.

The resulting tool will be a module that can be used by us and other 3rd party applications, via API, to link the identifiers of users while providing users with powerful data management control over who has access to their identifiers. We have already spoken with multiple applications (Questbook, MeetWithWallet, Collabberry, etc.) that are interested in also using this solution.


We understand that we are dealing with sensitive user data and that encryption is critical. Additionally, we want users to own their data. Using Lit Protocol, we believe that we can achieve both security and data ownership. By providing this solution, we unlock a powerful use-case of Lit protocol, that can be easily integrated in thousands of apps and serve millions of users.


A application live on Arbitrum mainnet and expandable to other chains, including authentication and linking API, SDK, EVM-compatible contracts, and a user interface. The application enables users to authenticate and link off chain credentials, own their data (attestations of ownership of credentials), and manage data access to the attestations. Moreover, the application serves as a modular middle layer, where other apps can request from users access to the data without requiring users to go through a complicated UX of authenticating every credential individually.

Development Roadmap

Authentication & Linking API PEOPLE

BUDGET $4,000

TIMELINE Estimated Delivery: ~20 days If stating 8th July, delivery 2th August


SDK PEOPLE application engineer architecture & engineering review

BUDGET $2,000

TIMELINE Estimated Delivery: ~10 days 5th August to 16th August


User Interface PEOPLE application engineering architecture & engineering review

BUDGET $4,000

TIMELINE Estimated Delivery: ~20 days 22nd July to 16th August


Application documentation:

Total Budget Requested

10,000 USD equivalent

Budget breakdown*

*marketing costs will be beared by TogetherCrew

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

We already have a live product in TogetherCrew, with 100+ communities using it. This grant allows us to expand and build on top of what we have using lit protocol to unlock powerful new functionality. Maintenance will thus be carried out as part of our routine, ongoing operation.


Team Members

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

We’ve been in Web3 since 2017 (ex-head of governance at Aragon) and have 8+ years of experience building applications that manage sensitive data (previous CTO role in MedTech). As TogetherCrew we have now been building for two years and have 100+ communities using our product (Optimism, Celo, Aave, PockeNetwork, etc.). Additionally, we have partnered with Snapshot and Arbitrum to launch the reputation tool and decentralized Platform for Authentication and Authorization we’re proposing in this grant.

Team code repositories

Additional Information

Found you: Researching options of infrastructure to integrate Email:

davidlsneider commented 1 month ago

Hey @daniel-ospina - thanks for the thoughtful application here! At this point, we can not accept this application since the grants program is tightly scoped to developer tooling, opposed to grants for end user products. We wish we could fund every promising product, but that's just not feasible.

If you're looking for a boost in terms of getting starting with this product, Lit has grants at ETHOnline, which starts Aug 25th and runs for 2 weeks.