LIU-Yuxin / SyncMVD

Official PyTorch & Diffusers implementation of "Text-Guided Texturing by Synchronized Multi-View Diffusion"
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cross_attention_kwargs cannot be assigned a value ,So lora can’t be used. #10

Open YuzhiChen001 opened 2 months ago

YuzhiChen001 commented 2 months ago

hi,have you tried to add lora to the pipline?

i add pipe.load_lora_weights("./data/lora/", weight_name="CGgame_building_nsw.safetensors") before syncmvd = StableSyncMVDPipeline(**pipe.components) and add cross_attention_kwargs={"scale": 0.8} in result_tex_rgb, textured_views, v = syncmvd(......cross_attention_kwargs={"scale": 0.8}......).

but encountered the following bug: TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'scale'

later,I found that this has nothing to do with lora.

although cross_attention_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, in function __call__().

but cross_attention_kwargs={"scale": 0.8} will fail with TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'scale'.

i guess it maybe because xformer0.0.20 unmatch the diffusers0.19.3,did you have some idea to solve it? any help will be appreciated.

LIU-Yuxin commented 2 months ago

I am currently unfamiliar with building a pipeline with lora, and considering it was not a prioritized feature at the moment this project was done, I may not keep all necessary lines of code from the original pipeline to support lora I guess?

If you want to modify it to support lora by yourself, I suggest to first check the original controlnet pipeline to identify the lora-related lines in call function, and check is there is a corresponding one in the current pipeline. If all lines are included, maybe it is related to the version issue you mentioned. I use diffuser 0.19.3 because I modified the attention processor based on the implementation of that specific diffuser version. Disabling the self-attention reuse or re-implement that processor for new versions will get rid of the version limitation.