LJMUAstroecology / flirpy

Python library to interact with FLIR camera cores
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.fff files created with split_seqs have error in data field #103

Open ayazlali opened 3 weeks ago

ayazlali commented 3 weeks ago

1V_square_onlyPositive_5Hz_22ohm_15VAmp-T420_62109905-0009.zip I was able to decode my .seq file and could see the images in the preview folder. However, the .tiff files are all black and when I used Fff() to open one of the generated .fff files variable explorer shows an error in the data field: **ERROR**: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'. When I run split_seqs it ends with this error: ValueError: buffer is smaller than requested size on \flirpy\io\fff.py", line 194, in get_image self.image = np.frombuffer( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, but it does generate the preview .jpg files fine.

Edited to add issue template: If you have issues with a version of flirpy installed via pip, please try installing from this repository first before filing a bug request. Done. flirpy 4.0 was installed like this: downloaded repository from github, extracted it. Opened a power shell prompt from anaconda navigator, navigated to flirpy folder, ran pip install . in folder. Ran this command to install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt.

Version 4.0

Describe the bug Running split_seqs on a .seq file generates only preview files (jpgs); .tiff files are all black and .fff files have an error in the data field.

To Reproduce Install flirpy 4.0, install requirements. Run .py path-to-split_seqs -i path-to-seq-file

Expected behavior I was expecting to get .tiff and .fff files with valid data.

Screenshots An error log was added at the bottom

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Here is the complete log when I run split_seqs:

(flirenv) PS C:\Users\AYAZlALI\Documents\flirpy-main> py .\scripts\split_seqs -i C:\Users\AYAZlALI\Documents\Flir_files\300mV_200mHz_22ohm-0020.seq
INFO:__main__:Loading: C:\Users\AYAZlALI\Documents\Flir_files\300mV_200mHz_22ohm-0020.seq
INFO:flirpy.io.seq:Splitting 1 files
  0%|                                                                                                | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]INFO:flirpy.io.seq:Splitting C:\Users\AYAZlALI\Documents\Flir_files\300mV_200mHz_22ohm-0020.seq into C:\Users\AYAZlALI\Documents\flirpy-main\300mV_200mHz_22ohm-0020
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊| 594/595 [00:04<00:00, 136.12it/s]
  0%|                                                                                                | 0/1 [00:04<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\AYAZlALI\Documents\flirpy-main\scripts\split_seqs", line 112, in <module>
    folders = splitter.process(files)
  File "C:\Users\AYAZlALI\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\flirenv\Lib\site-packages\flirpy\io\seq.py", line 151, in process
    self._process_seq(seq, folder)
  File "C:\Users\AYAZlALI\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\flirenv\Lib\site-packages\flirpy\io\seq.py", line 279, in _process_seq
    image = frame.get_radiometric_image(meta=meta)
  File "C:\Users\AYAZlALI\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\flirenv\Lib\site-packages\flirpy\io\fff.py", line 180, in get_radiometric_image
    image = raw2temp(self.get_image(), self.meta)
  File "C:\Users\AYAZlALI\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\flirenv\Lib\site-packages\flirpy\io\fff.py", line 194, in get_image
    self.image = np.frombuffer(
ValueError: buffer is smaller than requested size
jveitchmichaelis commented 3 weeks ago

Please try installing the latest version from github (0.4) and see if that fixes the issue. Thanks!

Otherwise please provide the information from the issue template to help us diagnose the problem.

ayazlali commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you, @jveitchmichaelis ! I installed the latest version in a new environment and still had the same issue. Edited the original post to include the issue template. I hope this helps with diagnosing the problem and thanks a lot for your support.

jveitchmichaelis commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, if you're willing to send me a copy of the SEQ file I'd be happy to take a look (you can email me a link if it's sensitive).

Maybe flirpy isn't correctly determining the frame size, are you able to check if it's correct? Do you get a black image that's the correct size(?) - or perhaps the splitter creates the image but doesn't fill it with data because it crashes.

Are you able to extract data using the Seq API - without using the splitter script? It's possible the script needs to be updated.

ayazlali commented 2 weeks ago

I was able to extract the images from the .seq file with the FLIR science file sdk, so I think my file is OK. The file is not sensitive, it's just the video of a resistor, I will try to attach it to the original post. How would I use the .seq API? I was going to figure out what it does by modifying the script. Is there an easier way to learn how the API works?

jveitchmichaelis commented 1 week ago

Thanks for this and sorry for the delay, I'll check out the file you've uploaded!