LJMUAstroecology / flirpy

Python library to interact with FLIR camera cores
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Lepton v3.5 FFC control #18

Open nadavzil1 opened 3 years ago

nadavzil1 commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, thank you for the great work! Is there a way to control the Lepton 3.5 FFC with your library? I need to set the FFC mode to manual (so it won't happen every 3 minutes or 1.5 celsius but only when I call it). I would also like to change the number of integrated frames.

All the solutions I found online require programming in C which I don't know. Hopefully your project will finally solve my issue.

jveitchmichaelis commented 3 years ago

Right now no, but this might be possible in Python using the UVC extension unit. But integrated frames you could always do in software, just do a median of however many you like?

@nadavzil1 are you using a breakout board, or a PureThermal adapter?

EduardoRonchi commented 1 year ago

Any chance to add the manual fcc operation for Lepton 3.5 sensors? I am using PureThermal Mini adapter.

jveitchmichaelis commented 1 year ago

Sorry, this still isn't supported and I don't think will be without some serious investment in a libusb wrapper (see above) which I don't have time for at the moment. It's not trivial due to the way the PT2 sends commands to the camera (and how we can wrap that in Python)