LJMUAstroecology / flirpy

Python library to interact with FLIR camera cores
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Suggestion: Faster Conversion of FLIR .seq Files to Numpy Arrays #90

Closed marcus858 closed 3 months ago

marcus858 commented 1 year ago

I've discovered a method to convert FLIR .seq files into numpy arrays significantly faster than using exiftool. In my tests, this approach converted 900 frames to an array in approximately 0.5 seconds.

Here's the improved code:

import numpy as np

SEQ_CONVERSION_ERROR_CAP = 5  # Define a cap for the number of allowed conversion errors

def seq_to_arr(infilename, width=320, height=240):
    Convert a FLIR .seq file to a 3D numpy array, with each 2D slice representing a frame.

    - infilename: path to the .seq file
    - width, height: dimensions of the images inside the .seq file (default 320x240)

    - A 3D numpy array where each slice along the third dimension represents a frame.

    pat = b"\x46\x46\x46\x00"
    images = []

    # Read the .seq file in binary mode
    with open(infilename, "rb") as f:
        file_content = f.read()

    # Split the file content based on the pattern
    n = 0
    errCount = 0
    for content in file_content.split(pat):
        content_with_pat = pat + content

        # Determine the starting index of the image data. Run this once.
        data_start_idx = _find_last_occurrence(content_with_pat)

            data = np.frombuffer(
                content_with_pat, dtype=np.uint16, count=width * height, offset=data_start_idx
            integerImg = np.reshape(data, (height, width))
            errCount += 1
            if errCount > SEQ_CONVERSION_ERROR_CAP:
                print(f"Could not convert frame {n} to array")
        n += 1

    # Stack the 2D images along a new third dimension to create a 3D numpy array
    images_array = np.array(images)
    images_array = np.transpose(images_array, (1, 2, 0))

    return images_array

def _find_last_occurrence(array):
    Find the last occurrence of a specific byte pattern in a byte array.

    - array: the byte array to search within

    - The index immediately after the last occurrence of the pattern.

    pattern = bytes.fromhex("00 00 00 00")
    return array.rfind(pattern) + 4

I hope this can be of help to those working with FLIR .seq files. Feedback and improvements are welcome!

jveitchmichaelis commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'd suggest benchmarking this against the implementation that's currently in the code (which does not use Exiftool). Unfortunately due to some variation in the SEQ header, you can't just search for the magic string - I did something very similar to your method for a while but users repeatedly raised issue that their files didn't load correctly. In the end I had to reverse engineer the header from Exiftool's code and that's what's currently in the library.

Note that you also need to load the calibration coefficients (which flirpy now does correctly - I hope), which your code doesn't handle at the moment. In the first implementation I would parse the first FFF subframe with Exiftool to get the metadata, but now we just read it directly.

A small optimisation - unless this is lazy: file_content.split(pat), it's hiding an O(N) scan of the file. To avoid this, flirpy uses a regex which yields an iterator, so should be a bit kinder on memory.


But the general approach is the same - you find the byte offsets for each frame and the offset for the data within it. Once you've done that, you can read the data (with known size) in a big chunk.

You can look at the current FFF decoder here: https://github.com/LJMUAstroecology/flirpy/blob/main/src/flirpy/io/fff.py