LJTalks / love-running

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USER STORY: Users share preferences and feedback #8

Open LJTalks opened 1 month ago

LJTalks commented 1 month ago

In order to share my preferences and feedback as a website visitor, I can participate in a poll by selecting an option, voting anonymously if desired, and adding a comment.

LJTalks commented 1 month ago

Acceptance Criteria

Poll Display:

The poll should be displayed prominently on the home page. The poll should include a clear question and multiple-choice options.

Voting Process:

Users should be able to select one option from the provided choices. Users should have the option to vote anonymously. Users should be able to add a comment along with their vote.

Anonymous Voting:

When voting anonymously, the user's identity should not be stored or displayed. There should be a checkbox or toggle to enable anonymous voting.


There should be a text box for users to add a comment when they vote. Comments should be optional and not required for submitting a vote.

Submission Confirmation:

Users should receive a confirmation message upon successful submission of their vote and comment. The confirmation message should inform users that their vote has been recorded.

Voting Restrictions:

Users should only be allowed to vote once per poll. Attempting to vote more than once should result in an error message indicating that the user has already voted.