LLM360 / amber-train

Pre-training code for Amber 7B LLM
Apache License 2.0
141 stars 15 forks source link

Please share requirements of the project #2

Closed mrghofrani closed 5 months ago

mrghofrani commented 6 months ago

Thanks for this great work and open sourcing it.

I'm trying to execute the training code but due to the lack of requirements, I failed. Could you share the requirements needed for the project? By requirement I mean the version of Python library packages, cuda version, etc.


tanyuqian commented 6 months ago

Thanks for noticing LLM360!

We have added requirements.txt for python packages. Cuda version on our machine is 12.1, but it should be flexible as long as it matches your PyTorch installation.

Please let us know if there are still any problems running this code:)