LLM360 / amber-train

Pre-training code for Amber 7B LLM
Apache License 2.0
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Question about pretraining. #7

Open TeddLi opened 1 month ago

TeddLi commented 1 month ago

I attached my training loss below, the data we are using refers to LLM360's paper, we use less data starcode. For each training epoch our data contains 30B arxiv , Book 57B, C4 197.67B, Refined-Web 665.01, StarCoder 150B, StackExchange 21.75B, Wikipedia 23.90B. And the hyperparameter we are using the same as LLM360 demonstrated. And the max_seq_len is 4096 instead of 2048, tokenizer is gpt tokenzier. We are using an opensource repo to run the experiment on H100 Node with 2048 global bsize. Currently our model can only achieve around 10.5 PPL on the falcon dataset. which is much worse than LLM360 amber model (Around 8 PPL) and llama-2 (Around 8 PPL). Just wondering what would be the possible reason that our model perform much worse? image

hunterhector commented 1 month ago

you data preprocessing steps could be relevant here as well. How do you preprocess or mix your data?

TeddLi commented 1 month ago

you data preprocessing steps could be relevant here as well. How do you preprocess or mix your data?

I am using the default mixing from https://github.com/jzhang38/TinyLlama.

TeddLi commented 1 month ago

Just wondering if the sharky loss will affect the final performance?

hunterhector commented 1 month ago

If the loss curve isn't stable it might suggest something happened during training, yes it is likely to indicate a suboptimal outcome.

TeddLi commented 1 month ago

If the loss curve isn't stable it might suggest something happened during training, yes it is likely to indicate a suboptimal outcome.

Just wondering how tokenizer affect the final results, gpt tokenizer has a much larger vocabulary

hunterhector commented 1 month ago

What's the hyperparameters? Did you use the ones from TinyLlama? Such as learning rate, etc. I am not very familiar with tinyllama but it seems they don't have cool down. Nevermind i missread their documentation

TeddLi commented 1 month ago

Nope, I am using the one demonstrated in LLM360

TeddLi commented 1 month ago

Also if max_seq_len change will affect final results?

hunterhector commented 1 month ago

Also if max_seq_len change will affect final results?

i don't think so. this shouldn't affect too much unless there is a bug related to it.