LLNL / GridKit

Experimental code for prototyping interfaces betwen numerical libraries and network models.
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Test GenConstLoad Fails #3

Open pelesh opened 3 years ago

pelesh commented 3 years ago

Running ctest with all options enabled:

$ ctest -R GenConstLoad -VV
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/Users/manc568/workspace/gridkit/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/Users/manc568/workspace/gridkit/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /Users/manc568/workspace/gridkit/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 3
    Start 3: GenConstLoad

3: Test command: /Users/manc568/workspace/gridkit/build/Examples/GenConstLoad/genconstload
3: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
3: Tried to set Option: eTried to set Option: . It is not a valid option. Please check the list of available options.
3: Tried to set Option: .
3: ******************************************************************************
3: This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
3:  Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
3:          For more information visit http://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt
3: ******************************************************************************
3: This is Ipopt version 3.12.13, running with linear solver mumps.
3: NOTE: Other linear solvers might be more efficient (see Ipopt documentation).
3: Option "hessian_approximation" is not chosen as "limited-memory", but eval_h returns false.
3: Exception of type: OPTION_INVALID in file "IpTNLPAdapter.cpp" at line 1217:
3:  Exception message: eval_h is called but has not been implemented
3: EXIT: Invalid option encountered.
1/1 Test #3: GenConstLoad .....................***Exception: SegFault  0.01 sec

0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   0.02 sec

The following tests FAILED:
      3 - GenConstLoad (SEGFAULT)
Errors while running CTest

@rcrutherford Do you know what's going on here?