@kylechampley I added some jitter correction algorithm with leapct, and I can see some warning message from leapct as like below. I wonder it does not bring any side effect into all reconstruction action. If I use uneven angle space then it is normal of this warning message?
estimate angle deviation from 0 to 360 each degree projection images with phase correlation.
update angle table with this deviation into leapct class's angle table memory.
FDK call for full reconstruction.
below is my result between corrected and not-corrected. I expected some perfect circle balls, but there were still some strains here(from 45 degree laminography).
@kylechampley I added some jitter correction algorithm with leapct, and I can see some warning message from leapct as like below. I wonder it does not bring any side effect into all reconstruction action. If I use uneven angle space then it is normal of this warning message?