LLNL / Silo

Mesh and Field I/O Library and Scientific Database
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Easy installation of python module via pip #392

Open jmackey-astro opened 1 month ago

jmackey-astro commented 1 month ago

Hello, It would be very helpful to me and my students if someone had time to package the python silo module and upload to e.g. https://pypi.org/ so that it can be installed to a python virtual environment easily via 'pip'. Debian 12 uses virtual environments for installing non-system packages, and it seems I can't access the system python3-silo package from within a virtual env. I'm not sure how to access the silo package except by downloading the source, compiling+installing and then adding a custom path to my python code. This makes it difficult for others to use our python file-reader package pypion: https://pypi.org/project/pypion/ because the dependencies of the package require the user to download and compile the silo python module and install to a specific path. It also means we can't add our file-reader to e.g. yt (https://yt-project.org/) because the dependencies can't be automatically satisfied. I might be able to find someone to help with the packaging/testing if needed. All the best, Jonathan

markcmiller86 commented 1 month ago

I might be able to find someone to help with the packaging/testing if needed.

If you have the resources to apply to this, I'd be willing to review a PR. My apologies but I do not anticipate having the resources here to persue this any time soon.