LLNL / benchpark

An open collaborative repository for reproducible specifications of HPC benchmarks and cross site benchmarking environments
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System.py for Fugaku #451

Open dyokelson opened 4 days ago

dyokelson commented 4 days ago

Test system setup with:

cd benchpark
. setup-env.sh
benchpark system init --dest fugaku-system fugaku 

Visually validate files created in fugaku-system directory

Run an existing experiment:

benchpark experiment init --dest saxpy-test saxpy +openmp
benchpark setup ./saxpy-test ./fugaku-system workspace/

Then follow with the ramble commands that are output.

Will update qws for testing the new way as well, but best to use one we know works first to validate the system definition, then we can validate the new benchmark styles on fugaku.

jdomke commented 1 day ago