LLNL / merlin

Machine Learning for HPC Workflows
MIT License
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'openfoam_wf_singularity' not found #474

Closed xorJane closed 4 months ago

xorJane commented 4 months ago

Bug Report

Description In #463, I introduced a bug such that merlin example openfoam_wf_singularity generates the error message "Example 'openfoam_wf_singularity' not found."

This occurs because of an unmet constraint on line 113 of merlin/examples/generator.py:

         if name == spec:

which requires that a workflow example named foo have an associated yaml file named foo.yaml. When I edited the tutorial in #463, I incorrectly named the yaml for openfoam_wf_singularity.


$ merlin example openfoam_wf_singularity

  *~~*~~~*      __  __           _ _
 /   ~~~~~     |  \/  |         | (_)
     ~~~~~     | \  / | ___ _ __| |_ _ __
    ~~~~~*     | |\/| |/ _ \ '__| | | '_ \
   *~~~~~~~    | |  | |  __/ |  | | | | | |
  ~~~~~~~~~~   |_|  |_|\___|_|  |_|_|_| |_|
   ~~~*~~~*    Machine Learning for HPC Workflows

[2024-04-29 18:02:54: ERROR] Example 'openfoam_wf_singularity' not found.

I'm about to submit a fix but wanted to document this. Apologies!