LLNL / merlin

Machine Learning for HPC Workflows
MIT License
118 stars 26 forks source link

Improved Info #477

Closed lucpeterson closed 3 months ago

lucpeterson commented 3 months ago

This PR provides users with more information when running merlin. Now, the merlin version is printed every time the 'hat' banner is displayed (several commands print this). This auto-logs the version for users. Also, merlin info is cleaner and displays python package info versions and locations. Example output from new merlin info command:

(merlin3_10) ruby964{lucpeter}357: merlin info

  *~~*~~~*      __  __           _ _       
 /   ~~~~~     |  \/  |         | (_)      
     ~~~~~     | \  / | ___ _ __| |_ _ __  
    ~~~~~*     | |\/| |/ _ \ '__| | | '_ \ 
   *~~~~~~~    | |  | |  __/ |  | | | | | |
  ~~~~~~~~~~   |_|  |_|\___|_|  |_|_|_| |_|
   ~~~*~~~*    Machine Learning for HPC Workflows                                 

  v. 1.12.1

[2024-05-15 17:52:02: INFO] Reading app config from file /g/g15/lucpeter/.merlin/app.yaml
Merlin Configuration

 config_file        | /g/g15/lucpeter/.merlin/app.yaml
 is_debug           | False
 merlin_home        | /g/g15/lucpeter/.merlin
 merlin_home_exists | True
 broker server      | amqps://lucpeter:******@jackalope.llnl.gov:5671/lucpeter
 broker ssl         | True
 results server     | redis://mlsi:******@jackalope.llnl.gov:6379/0
 results ssl        | False

Checking server connections:
broker server connection: OK
results server connection: OK

Python Configuration

Python Packages

Package    Version    Location
---------  ---------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
python     3.10.8     /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/bin/python3
pip        24.0       /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/lib/python3.10/site-packages
merlin     1.12.1     /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/lib/python3.10/site-packages
maestrowf  1.1.10     /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/lib/python3.10/site-packages
celery     5.3.6      /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/lib/python3.10/site-packages
kombu      5.3.5      /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/lib/python3.10/site-packages
amqp       5.2.0      /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/lib/python3.10/site-packages
redis      5.0.3      /usr/WS1/lucpeter/merlin/venv_merlin_py_3_10/lib/python3.10/site-packages

lucpeterson commented 3 months ago

I don’t know why the CHANGELOG test is failing. Seems like a problem with the test, since the CHANGELOG has been changed

lucpeterson commented 3 months ago

Ok I think I figured it out. Will make some changes