LLNL / pLiner

pLiner is a framework that helps programmers identify locations in the source of numerical code that are highly affected by compiler optimizations.
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test_7 failed #13

Closed liu-xunnn closed 6 months ago

liu-xunnn commented 10 months ago

hello! When i run the test.sh,test_7 of region-trans failed. Do you know why?

doloresmiao commented 9 months ago


Could you give me more information about your testing environment (which option in README.md you are using, for example) and if possible could you paste the error message?

I have tried option 1 (downloading a docker image and run tests within it) but I cannot reproduce the issue you have experienced. I tested this on a computer with AMD Ryzen 7 4800U and 16GB RAM, with Ubuntu LTS 22.04.

I will continue experimenting with other options and get back to you soon.

Best, Dolores

liu-xunnn commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your reply! Sorry for the incomplete information. The archetecture is aarch64,and the OS is linux. pLiner was installed by option 3. The llvm-9.0.1 was built with clang and clang-tools-extra.

The environment path is:

export PATH=LLVM_DIR/bin:$PATH

export PATH=pLiner_DIR/bin:$PATH

The test error is like this:

Error: test_7 and test_7_trans -- comparison failed ( inconsistent result)
- complile&compare failed

20 tests -- 19 pass; 1 failed
doloresmiao commented 9 months ago


I think the issue may be because you are using AArch64, and the architecture used in our benchmarks to reproduce the results are either x64 or Power8. The behavior of compiler-induced inconsistencies may differ across compilers on different architectures.

But just to be sure I will try to reproduce it with a similar environment (an M2 Mac mini). I will get back to you as soon as there is an update. Thank you for your patience!

liu-xunnn commented 9 months ago

OK,thank you!

doloresmiao commented 9 months ago

Hello, I have tried using option 3 in an AArch64 environment (M2 Mac mini, Docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/arm64v8/ubuntu/) and all tests pass.

I do have an Orange Pi 5 to test in a native AArch64 linux environment but I kinda screwed up the OS on it. It might need some time to set up again. May update you at a later date.

liu-xunnn commented 9 months ago

Thank you, I'll also install pLiner again.

liu-xunnn commented 6 months ago

Hello,I install the docker and the result is same with yours. I change the gcc11.4 to gcc7.5,but the fail still exists. Finally,the fail of test_7 may be caused by different versioin of ubuntu.Mine is ubuntu22 and yours is ubuntu18.