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checkpoint for finetuning / datafile for finetuning #182

Closed YerongLi closed 2 weeks ago

YerongLi commented 3 weeks ago


Is this the script for SFT? where can we find the folloing checkpoint for finetuning?

"/checkpoints/projectors/${BASE_RUN_NAME}/mm_projector.bin" \

Also, could anyone post a data preparation script for fine tuning?

Luodian commented 3 weeks ago

projector: https://huggingface.co/lmms-lab/llava-onevision-projectors

data preparation: We provide the data preparation script at our data repo (the hf one).


we follow original llava data format, if you are not familiar with llava data format, recommend to check the repo: https://github.com/haotian-liu/LLaVA

basically, it's an image folder, and a json (or jsonl) file.

each item format is like

  "id": "000000051920",
  "image": "azure_dc_zh_92K/000000051920.jpg",
  "conversations": [
      "from": "human",
      "value": "<image>\n这幅画中的关键信息有哪些?"
      "from": "gpt",
      "value": "这张图片展示了一位穿着深色(可能是黑色或深蓝色)毛衣的人坐在一张桌子前,正在用右手拿着一片披萨。披萨看起来有多种配料,包括绿色的菠菜和橙红色的番茄,放在一个银色的圆形披萨盘上。披萨盘上还剩下大约六片披萨。在背景中,可以看到一个穿着浅色衣服的人站在柜台后面,柜台上方有一个黑板菜单,上面用白色粉笔写着菜单项,但是字迹不清晰,无法阅读。整个场景看起来像是在一个披萨店内部,环境显得比较休闲。"
  "data_source": "azure_dc_zh_92K"
sc268 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @Luodian! Could you also share a sample of theonevision_data.yaml mentioned in the finetuning script? Thanks!

YerongLi commented 2 weeks ago

where can we find the yaml file for finetune_onevision.sh? @Luodian

Thanks @Luodian! Could you also share a sample of theonevision_data.yaml mentioned in the finetuning script? Thanks!

 File "/home/yerong2/LLaVA-NeXT/llava/train/train.py", line 970, in __init__
    with open(data_path, "r") as file:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './onevision_data.yaml
YerongLi commented 2 weeks ago


Thanks @Luodian! Could you also share a sample of theonevision_data.yaml mentioned in the finetuning script? Thanks!

They provide the yaml file here.