LM-Commons / LmcUser

A generic user registration and authentication module for Laminas. Supports Laminas\Db and Doctrine2. (Formerly ZfcUser)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
14 stars 16 forks source link

Version 4 Plan - Features and Enhancements Roadmap #43

Open visto9259 opened 12 months ago

visto9259 commented 12 months ago

Version 4 Plan - Features and Enhancements Roadmap

This is to document the enhancements, features and other changes to bring to LmcUser in a forthcoming version 4.


LmcUser is a port of ZF-Commons/ZfcUser to Laminas. ZfcUser was developed several years ago and was based on Zend Framework v2 and v3. The port of ZfcUser to Laminas did not bring significant improvements or new features to the package. New frameworks based on Laminas MVC, such as Laminas API Tools have, come along and the Laminas Components have also evolved. It is long overdue to give it a serious upgrade.

LmcRbacMvc has been installed more than 25K times according to Packagist which is a good indication that the package has its usefulness in web application. We are looking for users of the package to provide inputs into the development roadmap for Version 4.


Selected Enhancements

Proposed enhancements

visto9259 commented 10 months ago

Adding #46 to the list of enhancements

visto9259 commented 3 months ago

Adding #48 to the list of enhancements

visto9259 commented 3 months ago

Adding #56 to list of enhancements