LM-Development / aks-sample

Community project providing an undeprecated Microsoft Teams bot sample that runs on Azure Kubernetes Service
MIT License
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503 Service Temporariy Unavailable #61

Open osamabinsaleem opened 1 month ago

osamabinsaleem commented 1 month ago

Upon completing all the steps defined here I'm getting 503 error when I hit the url https://mybotname.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/calls.

Upon checking the pods I see this:

kubectl get pods -n recordingbottutorial
NAME                                                             READY   STATUS             RESTARTS         AGE
recordingbottutorial-0                                           0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   35 (39s ago)     164m
recordingbottutorial-1                                           0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   34 (2m37s ago)   164m
recordingbottutorial-ingress-nginx-controller-5bc86dbdd5-xwngh   1/1     Running            0                3h20m

and describing a pod gives me this:

kubectl logs recordingbottutorial-0 -n recordingbottutorial
Setup: Starting VC_redist
Setup: Converting certificate
Setup: Installing certificate
Certificate "mybotname.westus.cloudapp.azure.com" added to store.

CertUtil: -importPFX command completed successfully.
Setup: Deleting bindings
Setup: Adding bindings
Setup: Done
RecordingBot: booting
fail: RecordingBot.Console[0]
      Unhandled exception in Boot()
      Status Code: 0
      Microsoft.Graph.Communications.Core.Exceptions.ServiceException: Media platform failed to initialize
       ---> System.InvalidOperationException: MediaPlatform needs a system with at least 2 cores for creation
         at Microsoft.Skype.Internal.Bots.Media.InternalMediaPlatform.Initialize(MediaPlatformSettings settings, IConfigurationManager configurationManager, Boolean isTest)
         at Microsoft.Skype.Bots.Media.MediaPlatform.Initialize(MediaPlatformSettings settings, IConfigurationManager configManager, Boolean isTest)
         at Microsoft.Skype.Bots.Media.MediaPlatform.Initialize(MediaPlatformSettings settings)
         at Microsoft.Graph.Communications.Calls.Media.MediaCommunicationsClientBuilderExtensions.SetMediaPlatformSettings(ICommunicationsClientBuilder statefulClientBuilder, MediaPlatformSettings mediaSettings)
         --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
         at Microsoft.Graph.Communications.Calls.Media.MediaCommunicationsClientBuilderExtensions.SetMediaPlatformSettings(ICommunicationsClientBuilder statefulClientBuilder, MediaPlatformSettings mediaSettings)
         at RecordingBot.Services.Bot.BotService.InitializeClient() in C:\src\RecordingBot.Services\Bot\BotService.cs:line 63
         at RecordingBot.Services.Bot.BotService.Initialize() in C:\src\RecordingBot.Services\Bot\BotService.cs:line 51
         at RecordingBot.Services.ServiceSetup.AppHost.Boot(String[] args) in C:\src\RecordingBot.Services\ServiceSetup\AppHost.cs:line 75
1fabi0 commented 1 month ago

I guess this is my fault writing the tutorial as the series has one physical core (see this) so the resolution would be to delete the windows nodepool and add a nodepool with a different series that actually has at least 2 physical cores