LMBishop / CommandToItem

Plugin for Spigot which allows for the creation of customisable items which executed predefined commands.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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custom drop message doesn't work #5

Closed Sylensky closed 3 years ago

Sylensky commented 3 years ago

Hi, on the latest version of CommandToItem the custom drop message if the players inventory is full doesn't work as it is always displaying the default message. My config looks like this:

      permission-required: false
      drop-if-full-inventory: true
      receive-item-inventory-full: "&2Your inventory is full and your &a%item%&2 was dropped at your feet."

It displays always the default message which is "&6You have been given %item%&6, but it was dropped at your feet because your inventory is full."

LMBishop commented 3 years ago

are those messages in the right place? it should be under the messages section at the bottom of the config, not per item:


    name: "&2&lWeed &7(Example Item)"
    item: WHEAT 
      - "&7Good quality weed"
        - "effect give %player% minecraft:blindness 1 1"
        - "effect give %player% minecraft:regeneration 15 1"

# Messages here
  full-inv: "&c%player%'s inventory is full!"
  # vvv -------> HERE <-------
  receive-item-inventory-full: "&6You have been given %item%&6, but it was dropped at your feet because your inventory is full."
Sylensky commented 3 years ago

nope they were on the wrong spot my bad.. From the update it isn't that clear where to place the permission required line. Can that be per item or is it the same in the options section?