LMCrashy / SF-Converter

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Audio in MVI movies extracted in wrong format #1

Open mfelddfki opened 2 years ago

mfelddfki commented 2 years ago

Hi, this tool was very helpful to me - thanks a lot for the effort! However, when listening to the movies, I noticed that they all quite bad (missing frequencies and a lot of clipping effects, especially during speech). After investigating a bit, I have found the reason to be the audio format that is saved by the SF-Converter: the converter saves it as 16-bit 16,000 Hz, while it actually is 8-bit 22,050 Hz. This can be easily verified by opening the raw PCM data without any headers in a tool like Audacity in both of these formats and comparing. Also, I think there is some strange "PCMHeader" added after the WAV data chunk header that should not be valid (though it still works as the effect is minor).

LMCrashy commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the long delay ;)

I'm looking at it, I'm not sure of what's done un the MVI Loader.

Looking at the exported data, the .wav audio is a 16 bit stereo @ 11025 Hz, but the .mp4 exported with ffmpeg is using 32 bits per sample audio @ 11025 Hz

Where do your 16-bit/16000Hz info comes from ?