LMD0311 / DAPT

[CVPR 2024] Dynamic Adapter Meets Prompt Tuning: Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for Point Cloud Analysis
Apache License 2.0
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Question about fewshot #5

Open zsc000722 opened 2 months ago

zsc000722 commented 2 months ago

Hi! Thanks for your great work. I'm wondering if there are some special settings while you were doing the ModelNet fewshot experiment, for I cannot reproduce the results you offered in the paper. Could you please tell me some probable reasons? And if possible can you share the config.yaml file of fewshot experiments? Best wishes!

LMD0311 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your interest!

It is common to obtain varied outcomes on diverse machines, stemming from the interplay of instability and randomness. We suggest experimenting with various random seeds and opting for the best result.