Implementation of #1071 consolidated in #1472.
Subclassed AutomatableButton as TransportButton for stripping out functions not pertinent to transport buttons.
Made it checkable to leverage the toggled() signal and allow buttons activation in both directions of the midi controller, otherwise you have to move the midi controller to the original position before activating it again.
Changed the toolbar buttons from QAction to QWidgetAction and set TransportButton as the widget.
Updated themes styles for new buttons.
Implementation of #1071 consolidated in #1472. Subclassed AutomatableButton as TransportButton for stripping out functions not pertinent to transport buttons. Made it checkable to leverage the toggled() signal and allow buttons activation in both directions of the midi controller, otherwise you have to move the midi controller to the original position before activating it again. Changed the toolbar buttons from QAction to QWidgetAction and set TransportButton as the widget. Updated themes styles for new buttons.