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Update hardware-comparison.md #18

Closed jopaul14 closed 3 months ago

jopaul14 commented 3 months ago

Added row for links to Logitech and Community Software - adding it to the hardware comparison page will allow us to clean-up index.md, as I think the focus on the index page needs to be on DIY and software players (currently lower on the page) and not on the legacy hardware which can no longer be purchased widely.

This will allow us to provide more recommendations for how the community can get involved instead of focusing on products that are no longer available.

terual commented 3 months ago

Good idea, I also had this on my todo list, but I also wanted to add the latest community firmware versions (https://ralph_irving.gitlab.io/lms-community-firmware/changelog.html) to the table. I was not sure how to do this as there are relatively often new releases.

michaelherger commented 3 months ago

Thanks @jopaul14!

I'm probably going to work on the Getting Started page which currently would have an auto generated top part with the downloads, and instructions below. I wanted to have this more integrated. I'd therefore use an approach with special tags, which then would be populated by the script. We could use something similar for the firmware versions. The scripts in the tools folder could handle that.

jopaul14 commented 3 months ago

@michaelherger - Can you share more of what you'd like to do with the Getting Started page and the special tags? Let me know how I can help? I think there's a lot of opportunity to build out this information which will hopefully make it easier for new users to get started.