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Adds CLI documentation in mkdocs-material format #24

Closed Daksol closed 3 months ago

Daksol commented 3 months ago

As per recent thread on Developers forum, this is conversion of legacy CLI docs at /html/docs/cli-api.htm into mkdocs-material format. As per @mherger's suggestion, I have omitted the two sections: Macros, Deprecated

Daksol commented 3 months ago

@mherger - I included a paragraph in /reference/cli/introduction.md describing the migration of these CLI docs. I stated that future LMS releases would no longer include the HTML version of the CLI docs, I presume that was correct.

terual commented 3 months ago

Nice work! Some minor issues (see above) and maybe a suggestion for the tables with multiple blocks: maybe it is possible to make the texts in the Block column span the whole table? That way you can make better use of the screen real estate. Right now the tables are a bit hard to read.

michaelherger commented 3 months ago

Wow! Great start! Thanks @Daksol for your hard work, and @terual for your review!

I believe we'll have to tweak the layout on those pages a bit, to use somewhat smaller font, and a wider page layout. What do you think?

Daksol commented 3 months ago

@terual @mherger I left a few comments saying "Clarification-Needed" in the text where I could not understand what was meant, or info incomplete etc. None of them very serious, so I thought the work would progress best by getting a 95% version available asap.

If I cannot get a landing on them, I will raise these in Forums

Those are:-

1 /reference/cli/alarms/#alarm

Original said "See also favorites items". Not clear what that meant.

FIXED #2 reference/cli/compoundqueries/#serverstatus Added examples of output.

FIXED#3 reference/cli/database/#rescanprogress Checked source code and confirmed this function has no parameters. Updated the entry accordingly via the fourth commit.

4 reference/cli/database/#artists

In the artists command, and elsewhere in the database section there are single letters tags(?) which appear alongside the tag names.

Examples: s with textkey; Z with indexlist; 'l' with album

Are these aliases for the particular tags?

I have put them alongside each other in the various Accepted and Returned tagged parameters tables.

Daksol commented 3 months ago

Nice work! Some minor issues (see above) and maybe a suggestion for the tables with multiple blocks: maybe it is possible to make the texts in the Block column span the whole table? That way you can make better use of the screen real estate. Right now the tables are a bit hard to read.

I would have made the block comments span the table if I could have - but regrettably that not a feature in mkdocs. See other comment on issue of tables

Daksol commented 3 months ago

Wow! Great start! Thanks @Daksol for your hard work, and @terual for your review!

I believe we'll have to tweak the layout on those pages a bit, to use somewhat smaller font, and a wider page layout. What do you think?

Most of the syntax info displays ok with the system out of box. The long lines which end up getting horizontal scroll bars are the raw output from some of of the commands. I was reluctant to much formatting on those as that would tend to defeat the purpose of having raw examples (tho I did put in some line breaks for the "players 0 4" output so the data for each player came onto its own line).

The mkdocs-material browser seems well designed, it closes the RH sidebar once window gets down to a certain width.

Daksol commented 3 months ago

OK have done the changes to all the tables with "blocks" so that the block comments can now extend across entire table (rowspan=3). When the block comments were already short the improvement is small, but when those comments were longer, it is significantly better - both in terms of clarity, and in use of screen real estate.

Block comments standardised to be like "First block:", "For each album:"

Added output examples for serverstatus

Daksol commented 3 months ago

One further commit done to eliminate problem around rescanprogress in database.md

Please prompt me if there is anything else which needs to be done before this PR can be merged.

michaelherger commented 3 months ago

Thanks a ton! Let's merge this and go from here. There will be tweaks, but that's fine!