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Legacy HTML Migration: Artwork Setup artwork.hml #27

Open Daksol opened 2 months ago

Daksol commented 2 months ago

Legacy HTML Document migration plan


Migration option:


Daksol commented 2 months ago

This page on Artwork belongs with other pages in category "Creating Your Media Library" such as on Tagging, and Ripping. For Tagging and Ripping there are legacy pages on the wiki, though to my eyes the info looks quite old.

Couple of questions

AAA - reference to Settings->Additional->Interface

From original HTML document:

If an Artwork Folder setting is used (in Server Settings, Additional, Interface) then that folder is searched first for any file matching those given for Artwork.


This refers to a settings page not obviously part of current LMS. The Artwork page describes in some detail how to use the settings on Settings->Advanced->Formatting to set up a single directory for artwork. Is there anything else we need to reference?

BBB - reference to "Music Artist Info" plugin

From orig HTML document

Find albums with small /missing artwork used in your library: The Music Artist Info plugin can support you to find albums with no or small artwork. If you enabled this plugin before a scan/rescan - it supports you with some additional Information under the extras in the main menue.


I cannot see that plugin now. Is there a logical successor which does the same job of identifying missing and undersized artwork

CCC - info from legacy wiki page

There is a legacy wiki page on Artwork at >https://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Album_Artwork.html#Server_side_resizing which mostly covers the same ground as the HTML page, but has a section however on "Server Side Resizing"..


Is that section on Server Side Resizing worth incorporating into this Artwork page? My suggestion to NOT include it. The rest of this Artwork page is focused on helping end user create their media library. Info on LMS image manipulation is for the Reference section? Info on the wiki page looks out of date, so would need input from current LMS internals experts.

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

AAA - the setting can be found in Settings/Advanced/Formatting. The "Interface" page still exists, but Material doesn't show it.

BBB - it's my personal MAI plugin, not included with LMS. Where does that reference come from?!?

CCC - Would be worth migrating, but agreed: this is more for devs than for end users. And it would need to be reviewed, as many of the params IMHO were removed when we switched to a different resizer (for performance reasons).

Daksol commented 2 months ago

AAA (edited) Have now seen the Settings -> Interface tab. Understanding that now,.

BBB The MAI plugin - mentioned in the embedded help file artwork.html which is source for this migration. I will just delete the paragraph. image

CCC (edited) That is clear. Source for the new Artwork page is going to be from the legacy embedded HTML help only,