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Legacy HTML Migration: Remote Control Reference #29

Open Daksol opened 2 months ago

Daksol commented 2 months ago

Legacy HTML Document migration plan


Assignment: @daksol volunteers

Couple of questions:

Got this image from the softsqueeze repository (boom_remote.png) Image

The smaller remote, need better image Image

Image from Legacy HTML page Image

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

There have been various versions of the IR remote. But basically it's the small one, included with the Radio/Boom, and the larger, candy bar sized one. But they only differ in minor details, probably not relevant to that page.

But if you could convert the large image to PNG with transparency, would be great 😉

Daksol commented 2 months ago

Source of good quality images for Remote Controls etc is the SoftSqueeze repository, for instance

See here for instance:-


This is a png of the 31 button remote. The other image above, from the legacy HTML is a gif
