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Legacy HTML migration: SoftSqueeze /softsqueeze/index.html #31

Closed Daksol closed 2 months ago

Daksol commented 2 months ago

Legacy HTML Document migration plan


Migration option:

Text of existing page

SoftSqueeze emulates Squeezebox and Transporter on Windows, Mac OSX and Unix Computers.

Since Server 7.4 SoftSqueeze is replaced by SqueezePlay

Meanwhile SqueezePlay isn't shipped the the standard installation anymore.

There are some Squeeze Software Emulations out there eg. the ones that Ralph Irving maintains.

Name:         Description:                                         Link to our Forum:
Jivelite      Graphical Frontend without Playerfunctionality.     Link
Squeezelite   Commandline Player without Frontend.                Link
SqueezePlay   Graphical Frontend with Playerfunctionality.        Windows
terual commented 2 months ago

I have already started on some pages for these software players. As soon as they are done we can close this one I think.

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

When you start work on an issue, please assign it to you (if you can), and drag it to the "in progress" column in the project.

terual commented 2 months ago

Now we have added information to lyrion.org about all mentioned software on this page, I think we can close this issue and remove this page from https://github.com/LMS-Community/slimserver. Do you agree @mherger? Only thing we maybe can add to the pages is a support/troubleshoot section with links to the forums.

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

Yes, I've already updated some of them earlier today.

terual commented 2 months ago

I was specifically referencing this link and this page.

terual commented 2 months ago

I was specifically referencing this link and this page.

@mherger: Agree to remove those from slimserver? If yes, I can create a PR

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

Oops... sorry, forgot about those. Yes, please. Anything that has moved, incl. the CLI. I might have removed some of the templates, but not any such link in the code.

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

Fixed in https://github.com/LMS-Community/slimserver/pull/1050