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Update information about software players and add comparison table #41

Closed terual closed 2 months ago

terual commented 2 months ago

See #25

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

That's another nice one!

terual commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the merge! But I had assigned a review to @ralph-irving as discussed in #25 in case I had written something which would be somewhat incorrect.

ralph-irving commented 2 months ago

I just finished reading it. Looks great! Thanks for keeping me in the loop.

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

Oops... sorry! Would be worth putting such information in the PR description, or even open it as a draft PR (there's an arrow on the creation button).

terual commented 2 months ago

Oops... sorry! Would be worth putting such information in the PR description, or even open it as a draft PR (there's an arrow on the creation button).

No problem :) Will do that next time

terual commented 2 months ago

I just finished reading it. Looks great! Thanks for keeping me in the loop.


ralph-irving commented 2 months ago

I'm not always quick to respond, depends on the day. So rather than me holding things up, let me know what you'd like reviewed. If I think there should be changes, I can comment in the commit, or raise a PR.