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Option of Vertical Borders on all Table Cells #49

Open Daksol opened 2 months ago

Daksol commented 2 months ago

Following up brief earlier discussion.

Standard mkdocs-material stylesheet only has vertical borders for the far-left and far-right, not for internal borders.

Given quite complex nature of much of what we are presenting, I think we need to give the future consumer of this info as much help as we can - even at the risk of not following a minimalist-chique.

I found this blog post from Alex Kretzschmar with CSS which claims it makes mkdocs tables look like GitHub tables. Explains things quite well. https://blog.ktz.me/making-mkdocs-tables-look-like-github-markdown-tables/

Instructions in this comment explain how to add this to a local setup if you want to see this up-close.

Formatting example is from the musicfolder command for CLI Database commands https://lyrion.org/reference/cli/database/#musicfolder

It looks ok to me - I also looked at it in Dark Mode. Only negative - the rows with merged cells have a slightly thicker far right border than regular cells in the far right column. I doubt anyone would notice that if not looking for it.





To see this in your own local setup**

.md-typeset__table { line-height: 1; }

.md-typeset__table table:not([class]) { font-size: .74rem; border-right: none; }

.md-typesettable table:not([class]) td, .md-typesettable table:not([class]) th { padding: 9px; }

/ light mode alternating table bg colors / .md-typeset__table tr:nth-child(2n) { background-color: #f8f8f8; }

/ dark mode alternating table bg colors / [data-md-color-scheme="slate"] .md-typeset__table tr:nth-child(2n) { background-color: hsla(var(--md-hue),25%,25%,1) }

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

I think I had found the same page, but didn't like the alternating background colouring. But if people prefer that, then there's nothing wrong submitting a PR.