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Use Vega-Lite for all analytics #51

Closed michaelherger closed 2 months ago

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

This still needs some tweaking, of course.

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

@terual - thoughts? Ideas?

terual commented 2 months ago

Overall, looks very nice so far!

This still needs some tweaking, of course.

  • connected players has a useless undefined label - but I don't have historical data for the player types

We can do two things I think: start collecting historical data about players, or delete the "color": {"field": "c", "type": "nominal", "title": "Total"}, line so we don't see the legend anymore.

  • the pie charts seem to be alphabetically ordered, rather than by slice size

I have tried everything to fix that, in the end only solved the ordering of the pie slices but not the legend... I gave up for now. Maybe it just need some more tweaking.

  • architecture IMHO doesn't make sense without the OS

I agree, I was thinking about plugin developers and bundled binaries, but that is of course also OS-dependent :see_no_evil:

* plugins... Hmm... not sure what to think about it. This might be interesting for plugin developers, but not so much for most user. As I added the installation numbers to the Plugins page, I believe this chart isn't useful.

I was thinking of putting that chart on its own page (and maybe also just display it in a table).

Furthermore, it also seems we need to increase the size of the pie charts as the legend doesn't fit anymore. And I'm not sure about the "All" line in the number of LMS installations chart. It doesn't sit right we me that the sum of all other lines is a line as well.

terual commented 2 months ago

An idea to solve the total line in the version plot: we can move the total installs line to the connected players plot. Then we have two lines (total installations and total numbers of connected players). I think that makes more sense to me.

terual commented 2 months ago

Another issue: now that we plot the countries on a map we can remove the "Others" category.

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot! Let's merge this and tweak as needed.

terual commented 2 months ago

I think we're sort of done? Any more charts on your wishlist? Maybe a pie chart with selected skin? Perl version? Number of tracks histogram (binned per 1000 of tracks)?

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

Data can be fun. But I should get back to fixing Windows and Mac builds... there would be tons of queries I have fun looking into:

But let's look into ideas on a case per case basis. Let's consider this done for now. Ok?

michaelherger commented 2 months ago

Oh, binning might become an important thing for the historical charts. SQLite has the nth() function or similar to do that. We'll have to look into this in a few weeks, when the data set for daily snapshots has grown.

terual commented 2 months ago

Agree! :+1: