LMS-Community / slimserver

Server for Squeezebox and compatible players. This server is also called Lyrion Music Server.
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LMS shows "New version available" but same version installed #1101

Closed SaschaRH closed 1 month ago

SaschaRH commented 1 month ago

I recently moved my LMS installation to a new server and also updated to 8.5.2. Now it shows that there's a new version available while it's the same installed version...

8.5.2 - 0 - logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb

/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates $ cat server.version /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb

I even reinstalled via sudo dpkg -i /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb but a day later the update notification is back.

Is this a bug or is something wrong with my installation?

Thank you! :-)


lexmark3200 commented 1 month ago

Now it shows that there's a new version available while it's the same installed version...

It is correct. The new version is 8.5.3 - "stable". I think you use "latest" version. The "latest" is still 8.5.2 If you want the newest, you must wait, or you can change in youre docker to the "stable".


image: lmscommunity/logitechmediaserver: latest change to image: lmscommunity/logitechmediaserver:stable #latest

SaschaRH commented 1 month ago


thank you, but I'm not using a docker image?! I can't find any other settings for the automatic update check other then turning it on or off.

Here's a debug log: [24-05-30 11:13:51.3506] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdateInstaller (306) Reading update installer path from /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/server.version [24-05-30 11:13:51.3513] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdateInstaller (309) No '/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/server.version' available. [24-05-30 11:13:51.3518] Slim::Utils::Update::checkVersion (65) Checking version in 85801.0738060474 seconds [24-05-30 11:13:52.9592] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdateInstaller (306) Reading update installer path from /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/server.version [24-05-30 11:13:52.9596] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdateInstaller (309) No '/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/server.version' available. [24-05-30 11:13:52.9598] Slim::Utils::Update::checkVersion (77) Checking version now. [24-05-30 11:13:53.3926] Slim::Utils::Update::checkVersionCB (108) Got list of installers: { deb => { revision => "1716738291", size => "57 MB", url => "https://downloads.lms-community.org/LogitechMediaServer_v8.5.2/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_all.deb", version => "8.5.2", },


} [24-05-30 11:13:53.3931] Slim::Utils::Update::checkVersionCB (125) https://downloads.lms-community.org/LogitechMediaServer_v8.5.2/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb [24-05-30 11:13:53.3933] Slim::Utils::Update::checkVersionCB (133) Triggering automatic Logitech Media Server update download... [24-05-30 11:13:53.3938] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdate (177) URL to download update from: https://downloads.lms-community.org/LogitechMediaServer_v8.5.2/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb [24-05-30 11:13:53.3942] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdate (194) We already have the latest installer file: /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb [24-05-30 11:13:53.3945] Slim::Utils::Update::setUpdateInstaller (271) Setting update version file to: /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb

This looks sort of weird: [24-05-30 11:13:52.9592] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdateInstaller (306) Reading update installer path from /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/server.version [24-05-30 11:13:52.9596] Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdateInstaller (309) No '/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/server.version' available.

While: cat /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/server.version /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/updates/logitechmediaserver_8.5.2_arm.deb

So it is there?!

Thank you, Sascha

lexmark3200 commented 1 month ago

I think, the repo is not updated yet. So you must wait a few houers, or you can try to install byself https://downloads.lms-community.org/nightly/logitechmediaserver_8.5.3~1716738291_arm.deb

Here, you can find another version: https://lyrion.org/downloads/

michaelherger commented 1 month ago

I'm sorry for that: I indeed had gotten the 8.5.2 revision wrong. It was set to more recent than the actual release. This should be fixed now. See https://github.com/LMS-Community/lms-server-repository/commit/a9778a86c6bca695a8a477e0b1d2576ee5496cc2.