LMS-Community / slimserver

Server for Squeezebox and compatible players. This server is also called Lyrion Music Server.
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Docker/8.5.2: Command Line Arguments not recognized? #1110

Closed maddes-b closed 4 weeks ago

maddes-b commented 1 month ago

With 8.5.2 docker image linux/amd64 (sha256:7434f3a6c9cbe2a69b5653d671965c24ed527bbab2301a3e0f8b7d32f5650fbe) it seems that command line arguments are ignored. Tested with --norestart and --advertiseaddr.

Log says:

Starting Logitech Media Server on port 9000...
Using additional arguments: "--advertiseaddr --nomysqueezebox --norestart"

No errors in any log.

But when logging values in Perl, then these are empty, although variables are accessed as done in other places. (tested why main::canRestartServer() in slimserver.pl didn't deny restarts although --norestart was specified)

sub canRestartServer {
    my $result;
    $result = $::norestart;
    logWarning("norestart is $result");
    $result = $main::advertiseaddr;
    logWarning("advertiseaddr is $result");
    $result = $main::httpaddr;
    logWarning("httpaddr is $result");
    $result = Slim::Utils::Network::hostAddr();
    logWarning("hostAddr() is $result");


[24-06-04 22:56:42.6352] main::canRestartServer (1129) Warning: norestart is 
[24-06-04 22:56:42.6354] main::canRestartServer (1131) Warning: advertiseaddr is 
[24-06-04 22:56:42.6355] main::canRestartServer (1133) Warning: httpaddr is 
[24-06-04 22:56:42.6356] main::canRestartServer (1135) Warning: hostAddr() is

Removed outdated --nomysqueezebox , tested again, but got same result.

Did I find a bug, or do I get something wrong?

Kind regards Maddes

[Update/Solution] EXTRA_ARGS in Docker configuration had enclosing quotes, which lead to the wrong parametes. Note for myself (and others): do not quote EXTRA_ARGS in your docker config (compose.yaml, etc.)

P.S.: While reading Perl 5.31 docs I recognized that our only creates aliases to existing variables, which I couldn't find in the source. And GetOptions() seems to need existing variables. Do not know if this could be the cause. Not an Perl expert.

michaelherger commented 1 month ago

Hmm... I'm pretty sure advertiseaddr does work, as this is something that recently has been discussed in the forums: under certain circumstances you have to use that configuration to make certain features work. I'm a bit confused there...

maddes-b commented 1 month ago

Could also be changes in the Perl version, the docker image uses Debian 11 "bullseye" with Perl 5.32.1 On Sunday I will test the Perl argument handling separately and with the logging in the relared sub routine.

maddes-b commented 4 weeks ago

This is working on a clean Debian 11 VM:


require 5.010;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

package main;

my $user = "otto";
my $group = "jungs";
our $norestart;

sub initOptions {
    my $gotOptions = GetOptions(
        'user=s'        => \$user,
        'group=s'       => \$group,
        'norestart'     => \$norestart,

    print("gotOptions [$gotOptions]\n");

sub main
    print("main starts\n");
    print STDERR (join("|",@ARGV),"\n");
    # command line options
    print("user [$user]\n");
    print("group [$group]\n");
    print("norestart [$::norestart]\n");
    print STDERR (join("|",@ARGV),"\n");


[Update 1] Also working in the Docker image. I assume the argument passing is an issue.

[Update 2] It's the passing of the args, I assume it's docker environment related. Log ARGV splitted: --logdir|/config/logs|--cachedir|/config/cache|--httpport|9000|"--advertiseaddr||--norestart" (see the quotes from EXTRA_ARGS

maddes-b commented 4 weeks ago

Reason: EXTRA_ARGS in Docker configuration had enclosing quotes, which lead to the wrong parametes. Note for myself (and others): do not quote EXTRA_ARGS in your docker config (compose.yaml, etc.)