LMS-Community / slimserver

Server for Squeezebox and compatible players. This server is also called Lyrion Music Server.
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Issue with spdr:// requestString #1164

Open sodface opened 2 weeks ago

sodface commented 2 weeks ago

Does it make any sense to check for requestString and then call getRequestString? Am I reading this wrong?


The SqueezePlayDirect protocol handler defines requestString:


I'm testing using spdr:// formatted urls and was having issues getting Squeezebox.pm to send the strm command with an spdr:// url until I edited line 795 to $methodHandler->requestString and then it started working as expected.

michaelherger commented 2 weeks ago

TBH: I've long forgotten what the spdr protocol handler is supposed to do. Can you tell a little more about what you're trying to do?

sodface commented 2 weeks ago

The comment in SqueezePlayDirect.pm probably says it better than I can:

# protocol handler for the pseudo protocol spdr://

# This is used to allow remote urls to be passed direct to SqueezePlay clients
# SqueezePlay will then use applet handlers to decide how to parse/play the stream
# This allows SqueezePlay applets to extend playback functionality by requesting
# the server to play a url which will then be interpreted by another part of the applet

# urls are of the form:
# spdr://<handler>?params...
# where handler identifies a specific playback handler within SP

I have mpv working pretty well as a squeezebox player using a c-plugin that borrows heavily from existing c code, mostly from squeezeslave for the slimproto stuff. Basically, all the mpv c-plugin does is handle the slimproto comms with LMS and then issues commands to mpv to open files/urls and control playback, volume, etc.

Since mpv plays video, I was testing how to pass a video url from LMS to mpv, with the idea of perhaps working on a plugin, but I wanted to come up with a method before going any further. The spdr:// format seemed to do what I wanted.

For testing, I made a short playlist consisting of a remote .mp3 file (random from a google search), a local .mp3 file on my server, and then a remote .mp4 video.

A playlist with these entries plays the first two files and then does not play the third:


If I change the third entry for the video to use the spdr:// prefix it works (after making the code change noted in my first post):

sodface commented 2 weeks ago

Well, I should note too that I had to handle the spdr:// url in my c-plugin code but that's on the client side.

sodface commented 2 weeks ago

I think this was broken in the above referenced commit.