LMS-Laravel / OLD-LMS-Laravel

Laravel Learning Management System (LMS)
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I am getting multiple view missing error, any solutions? #10

Closed ohid closed 8 years ago

ohid commented 8 years ago

now I'm getting this error. What is the solution please? Anyway a good work.

ErrorException in compiled.php line 13913: View [Default.views.layouts.breadcrumbs] not found. (View: D:\Projects\xampp2\htdocs\laravel\Laravel_lms\Themes\Default\views\dashboard\learning.blade.php)


angelmartz commented 8 years ago

I get same error

View [Default.views.errors.form-error] not found. (View: C:\wamp\www\lmslaravel\Themes\Default\views\auth\login.blade.php)

angelkurten commented 8 years ago

I'll try in Windows and see what happens

ayndev commented 8 years ago

For me the solution was to remove the view_path() methods from all the @include and @extend and for the breadcrumbs is to change its config file to : 'view' => 'layouts.breadcrumbs'

I'm using Mac