LMS-Laravel / OLD-LMS-Laravel

Laravel Learning Management System (LMS)
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install issue #11

Closed ITwrx closed 6 years ago

ITwrx commented 8 years ago

when running php artisan app:install i get

  SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Tables_in_LMS' in 'where clause' (SQL: SHOW TABLES WHERE Tables_in_LMS-laravel NOT REGEXP "[[.low-line.]]")
angelkurten commented 8 years ago

Which operating system to use?

ITwrx commented 8 years ago

archlinux(mariadb 10.1.13-1, nginx 1.8.1-3, php 7.0.5-1) thanks

vrtc commented 8 years ago

hi, me with the same problem itself: archlinux + mariadb + apache2 + php 5.5.9

dmitriy-01 commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue - it was because of the dash in DB name that I used - "lms-laravel".

The fix is to put back-ticks in SQL query around '.$name.' in Modules/User/Database/Seeders/UserTableSeeder.php, line 134:

$data = DB::select('SHOW TABLES WHERE'.$name.'NOT REGEXP "[[.low-line.]]"');

After this php artisan app:install works fine.

angelkurten commented 8 years ago

Hi, install success in Ubuntu, not have archlinux

ITwrx commented 8 years ago

@websquared thanks for the info. will check it out when i get a chance.

@angelkurten thanks for the info. Is this package compat with laravel 5.2x? the readme doesn't mention any compatability info except "laravel 5". Please consider adding your tested config(incl versions).

IMHO, projects should consider development and testing with a distro that is closer to upstream in it's release cycle. For example, arch, gentoo, lfs, or similar. Choosing a distro with a much slower release cycle as reference distro means people using current, stable gnu+linux are expected to either change distros or "go back in time" by many releases/years(?) to reach parity with distros with slower release cycles. Neither of which is reasonable. Nothing against those distros, but catering to their chosen cycle instead of upstream is backwards.


vrtc commented 8 years ago

@angelkurten the thing MariaDB versions. archlinux here is not to blame

angelkurten commented 6 years ago

The project will restart soon we hope to have your support you can participate with your ideas in trello and slack

Trello -> https://trello.com/b/dv9fqFK2/lms-laravel

Slack -> https://join.slack.com/t/lmslaravel/shared_invite/enQtMzkzNTUxNzAzMTEwLTVkNDBmZmU1YjEzMWIxNTk5Y2FiOGYyODYxNmFhYjgwYzQ5MjRhOWViOTRkZWM3ZjczOTcxMzVlOTU5YzdiNGI