LMS-Laravel / OLD-LMS-Laravel

Laravel Learning Management System (LMS)
280 stars 161 forks source link

Install issue:Posix collating #12

Closed pisyek closed 6 years ago

pisyek commented 8 years ago

When i app:install i got an error as follows: capture

Appreciate if you could advice.

angelkurten commented 8 years ago

Hi, install success in Ubuntu

jestonihpi commented 8 years ago

is there a turn around fix for windows?

jestonihpi commented 8 years ago

i manage to run the app:install command by updating ; modules/User/Database/Seeders/UserTableSeeder.php

line 134: function permissionsAllSeeder()

to $data = DB::select('SHOW TABLES from '.env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge') );

fahreza007 commented 7 years ago

Thank you save my live

angelkurten commented 6 years ago

The project will restart soon we hope to have your support you can participate with your ideas in trello and slack

Trello -> https://trello.com/b/dv9fqFK2/lms-laravel

Slack -> https://join.slack.com/t/lmslaravel/shared_invite/enQtMzkzNTUxNzAzMTEwLTVkNDBmZmU1YjEzMWIxNTk5Y2FiOGYyODYxNmFhYjgwYzQ5MjRhOWViOTRkZWM3ZjczOTcxMzVlOTU5YzdiNGI