LMS-Laravel / OLD-LMS-Laravel

Laravel Learning Management System (LMS)
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php artisan app:install not working #29

Closed coZet closed 6 years ago

coZet commented 6 years ago

I don't found any of module , themes such folders., First time i was install and run it's ok, when i clear browser that's got route error. so i re-clone from git and new installation at php artisan app:install not working.

micahaza commented 6 years ago

Same issue here.

vwaaala commented 6 years ago

app:install command not found :(

Rattone commented 6 years ago

...this new repo is a simple installation of laravel 5.5 without anything else 👎

jwjcmw commented 6 years ago

if you clone the repo and then git checkout dev I think it gets you back to the last version before it was rebased to the empty 5.5 install. The install runs for me now, but there are still errors.

angelkurten commented 6 years ago

The project will restart soon we hope to have your support you can participate with your ideas in trello and slack

Trello -> https://trello.com/b/dv9fqFK2/lms-laravel

Slack -> https://join.slack.com/t/lmslaravel/shared_invite/enQtMzkzNTUxNzAzMTEwLTVkNDBmZmU1YjEzMWIxNTk5Y2FiOGYyODYxNmFhYjgwYzQ5MjRhOWViOTRkZWM3ZjczOTcxMzVlOTU5YzdiNGI